In-Person Sales Training

It is our experience that many people in a sales role have never been taught how to sell effectively.  They are given the job and are expected to get on with it without much support or direction.  Quite often they do not understand the sales process or stop to think about why a customer would buy a product.  Training, when provided, is often generic and fails to focus on the specific products and customers that the sales person is dealing with. 

At Hoolock Consulting, we believe that it does not need to be like this.  With some basic training and coaching, focussed on their products and customers, sales people can become more effective at what they do, have happy, contented customers and can generate lots of revenue for their company.

All of our In-person sales training courses are built based on the specific requirements of our customer. As a result, no two training courses are the same. We review the products and services that our customer is selling, the market that they are selling into and their process for doing this. We then build the most appropriate training course based on their requirements.

We can deliver training for between 2 and 20 people at any time. Courses tend to be between 1 and 2 days in duration, depending upon the content required. We combine sales theory with practical exercises to enable students to learn through doing. Wherever possible, we use real world examples or role plays to support our training.

Example Courses include:

  • How do I find a great sales opportunity?

  • How do I maximise my chances of closing a deal?

  • How do I get the most out of meeting my customer?

  • How do I convince a customer to buy my product?

We can also provide training in negotiations, presentation skills, proposal writing and cold calling. Details of all of our courses can be found here: